7 October 2013

Going Clubbing

Hi everyone :)

I'm fairly certain that most of you have been to a club before with friend for a night out what I'm not so sure about is the fact that you have found the right kind of music for you.

I know there is a lot of different clubs out there that play different kinds of music but let's be honest most of that stuff is mainstream party music that everyone can dance to. And I'm not saying that there is something wrong with that, I enjoy that too. I like going clubbing with friends to the more well know music but it's not quite the same as going clubbing to the kind of music that you can feel everywhere.
I have figured that out about a year ago when one of my flatmates took me with him to a dubstep/dancehall/reggae kind of thing. I had never been to a club with that kind of music before and I had no idea what would happen. 
I was not prepared to have the best night of my life! We got there and he was gone the second we walked in. That always happens when you go somewhere with him, cause he seems to know everyone. Don't ask me how he does that :) But somehow him being gone wasn't as terrifying as I thought it would be. The music was great and I suddenly didn't give a fuck anymore about not having someone I knew next to me. The music dragged me in and dancing was so easy in that moment.
I can't really describe the feeling but it was amazing, it felt like I lost control over my body and my movements. I didn't care how it looked and the great thing was that no one else did either. 
You can not only tell that by the way no one is staring at you but also simply due to the fact that everyone just wears what they are comfortable in. I had never been clubbing with Chuck's, jeans and t-shirt before. I looked more like I was going to a festival but that didn't matter either.

This kind of music is the one that you can not sit still to. You have to get up and moving and I have never felt like that before. 
It was great to dance till exhaustion, till 5 in the morning when the club closed. We were all sweaty and tired but felt strangely at peace with ourselves.
I know this all might sound utterly weird to you but I loved it.
When we got home we just fell into our beds. When I got up in the morning and after a shower I felt refreshed like I never have after a night out. 

Last Wednesday we went to a 'party' like that again and it was exactly the same. At first I didn't feel like going out but as soon as we got there and the music sucked us in it was bound to be a good night. It also happened to be a little concert, with one of the artists that we all knew quite well and I got introduced to by my flatmates, which made it even better.

It is German but I hope you can enjoy it anyway :)

I love this kind of music to go out too. Try it if you haven't found the kind of music that you can feel everywhere yet. It might just be this kind of thing :)
Or it might not but chase it till you find it because it is priceless!



  1. Sounds like you had a great night! I'm not really into the kind of mainstream music they play in the average club but I find once you're in their you don't really care what's playing as long as you can dance to it!



    1. That is true. But this kind of dancing is different though it wears me out a lot more somehow :)
