3 June 2013

Love ?!

Since spring is still nowhere in sight I thought I would at least write about my most favourite thing about that time of the year: Spring Fever.
Well it's not the spring fever itself it's more about love in general. Because love is this big mysterious thing that no one really seems to get but everyone evidently needs. And boy I'm not saying I get it I just find it extremly interesting and I wanna share some of my thoughts with you guys.

1. Do you believe in love at first sight? Because I don't. I believe that there can be attraction at first sight and maybe a little crush on someone but I just don't think you can fall in love with someone that easily.Me and my last boyfriend kind of fell in love really quick but still not at first sight. I mean how could I do that if I believe that personality is essential for a realtionship? Because there just is no way that you can tell someones character by looking at them. That's just not how it works... would be really cool though, almost like a superpower :D So like I said we fell in love really quick like after a week or something and I had never even thought that was possible till it happened. And the feeling was crazy I had never felt anything like that before. At the beginning it was a complete loss of control over myself cause I just wasn't able to exist over a longer period of time without having seen him. I would get so nervous and liturally felt sick if I didn't at least see him once a day (luckily he felt the same way otherwise it would have been real strange:D). Being in love can make you feel really weak and at the same time give you a strange feeling of strength. I know that being in that last relationship that I had made me stronger and constalntly pushed me to go as far as I could. It urged me to outgrow myself but in a really good way and I learned so much about myself from my boyfriend. And even though it kinda ended in a bad way I don't regret one minute of it because he showed me what being myself really ment and that I was lovable the way I am. It's totally incredible how much of a boost my self-confidence got from that relationship and I managed to keep that up after it was over.

2. I don't know if that is just something that happens to me or if that happenes to other people aswell but I have this weird thing were people get more attractive the better I know them. Is that weird or does that happen to you guys aswell? I would love some comments about that :)
So yes that happens to me occasionally. Like I would meet someone and think: okay they look okay and then I spend time with them. And the better I get to know them the more attractive they get. That is the reason why I believe that personality is such an important thing, because character really makes you beautiful. I think that the personality of a person can  make them attractive and I know that's what people always say but I honestly think it's true. I personally am not picky about who I date I believe that I judge on personality because what do I do with someone who is amazingly gorgeous but has no brains in his head? I think everyone not only needs a boyfriend/girlfriend who is good looking but who they can also relate and talk to. 
So in my opinion personality might even be more important then looks cause if people get more attractive the better I get to know them than they don't have to be amazingly beautiful  when I meat them for the first time. And I hope you guys can understnad what I'm trying to say here :D 
Basically the better I know someone the more appealing they get to me.... 

3. And this is something that I find a bit annoying about love: It's the fact that some people say it way too many times so it kinda looses its meaning. And I'm pretty sure you all have seen that before: those people that post things about their boyfriends/girlfriends saying how much they love them. Once: totally fine with me. Twice: Yeah sure you really love them more then that: Ok we know why don't you tell them in person next time. More then 10 times: Shut the f*** up you are annoying. And what I really don't get is why you have to do this on facebook in the first place. I know social media and all but still social media shouldn't do all the talking for us. I mean what do a gain by telling the person I love on facebook that I love them? Probably only people making fun of me. Why can't people just keep that to themselves after having updated their relationship status? After having done that everyone knows you are in a relationship and we don't need to know every 10 minutes how much you love your boyfriend/girlfriend. And the other thing is that I honestly believe that people how feel the need to do that don't really know what love is. 
And that's where we get to the point: people say it too much.  Saying I love you should be something really special and reading it on facebook or twitter or what not just isn't. 

4. Those little kids that say they love their girlfriend/boyfriend. I for one know that when I was 12 I had no idea what love was. You don't even really know yourself at that age how can you know someone else well enough to really love them? And the other thing is that I just don't think you can understand what love is at that age. I mean I'm 21 and I can say I probably still don't really know what love is. I know a lot more about it after my last relationship because I can say that was the first time that I felt like I really loved someone but I'm pretty sure I still have a lot to learn about it. I mean in that way it kinda is a never ending process of learning, but being 12 you havn't even got the slightest idea of what is to come. Yes I get that you wanna try the whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing at a young age and I do believe that you might have a crush on them and like them a lot but you are not in love with them. 
But I don't critizise those 'kids' I just kinda think to myself: wait till you get older and you'll laugh about saying you loved that person. That's what I did :) I mean I even have to laugh about 17 year old me with her boyfriend :D I had no idea what I was doing.....

So growing up we change and our way of experiencing love does aswell. I enjoyed the way I grew with the 'word' love even though I really have to laugh about my  early attempts :D

So those are my thoughts about love :)
Anything I missed? Any other things you think should be said? 
Write a comment and I'll definitely read it and answer back :)

Have a good week everyone and tomorrow the new structured blog starts so come back to check that out :) Hopefully it works the way I want it too :)


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