18 May 2013

And we are back to Flatmates

I think most of you have realised by now that I'm at University... for all of you who haven't: I'm at University lol. 
And there is like heaps of webistes about how to live as a student and like tutorials on how to cook and all that kinda stuff. So while going through one of this sites I found an article about this girl who wrote about living in flats. And as someone who lives with other people aswell I thought I should read it, as I did I got genuinely offended by it. I thought it was a little harsh and rude to be fair. 
So basically she writes about moving in with a guy and the bottom line is that she thinks we as girls should live with boys who we personally find unattractive. Her reason for saying this is that she thinks if you live with attractive guys you will end up hooking up with them and that can only lead to problems. 

I mean common what does that say about us women? I don't jump the bones of every guy I find attractive smh. I mean I get the whole things getting complicated part but common. The other thing is I think it's quite rude to basically ssay your flatmate is ugly, poor guy if he reads that article!
Yeah so I think there is some things really wrong with that. At least for me.
First things first: None of my flatmates are unattractive at least not to me ( if I just met them on the street I would totally hook up with them). That said I would never do it now that I'm living with them. So I have 3 attractive guys living with me and I havn't hooked up with any of them and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon or at all for that matter. 
And that is not only because they are my flatmates. I don't really know how to say this the right way but I'm just gonna try lol.
I think that when you live with someone you get to know them on a whole different level than you would if you met them in a club or something and got talking. There just is something more intimate about living together you have different conversations. I mean we had the whole getting to know each other part aswell, like you do with every new person you meet but we moved on from that. They are my friends but they are not like the friends I have, that I don't live with. 
With those I don't have an argument about who's gonna clear out the dishwasher or who left the window open again which caused me to freeze my ass off.
With things like that you get to know someones day to day life all their habits they have and that's just something you don't usually know about your firends. I mean who hasn't been on holiday with a close freind and at some point started to wonder about the weird things they did, like putting toothpaste on your toothbrush and than just brushing your theeth without any water on it. Or not putting things in the dishwasher right away... I could go on and on about this but I guess you know what I'm trying to say. 

So yes that's things you don't usually know about a guy you meet. I mean at some point I might move in with a boyfriend but that is a completly different story. If you are with someone  that you are in love with you have the getting to know part than you ge thte falling in love part and after all that there might be the moving in together part at which point you will get to know your partners habits. But you have the romantic stuff before that.
So they way it was for me is that now I know all this stuff about them there can just not be the romantic stuff after that. And yes hooking up with someone doesn't necessarily involve a relationship or anything romantic but still not an option for me.
I just now my flatmates to well and as soon as there is nakedness involved I get to a point where I'm like: Ok wrap that up in some clothes please that is way to much infromation.
For example when my flatmate was pretty drunk he decided he had to take a shower which is fine. Knock yourself out. The problem just is that he got undressed, winded a towel round his hips and then thought it would be a good idea to walk into my room and have a chat with me. I sat on my sofa and he was standing right in front of me, so needless to say that his most privat parts were rigth infront of my face only covered by a towel. And don't get me wrong here that is something that I'm used to and usually wouldn't mind at all but drunk people just don't have themselves under control. So the whole time he was talking to me all I could think about was: please don't drop that towel or things will get really awkward. And I kept staring at the ceiling lol. I'm not a prude person and I don't mind nakedness at all if it's the right people :D. Ad there just are some things baout my flatmates that I don't need to know and the size of their dick is one of them.

So no I don't think living with attractive guys has to lead to a desaster because you hook up with them. I'm just fine.
So what I wanna know is: am I the only one who thinks that it is totally doable?
I would love to know what a guy thinks about this... maybe I'll get one of my flatmates to write me something I can add to this post like from their point of view :)

have a good weekend everyone 


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