6 September 2013

Food Friday - Ultimate Breakfast

Hi everyone :)

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the beautiful weather outside as those my quite possibly be the last sunbeams we will get this summer. 
I however wasn't lucky enough to spend my days outside over the last week since I have been in physiotherapy for my scoliosis which is a result of the car accident I have been in. 
And although my physiotherapist is amazing with his hands and has really been helping my back now looks like I have been  and is completely bruised. It almost looks a bit like a giant hicky :D So well no running around in a bikini for me :)

Which is why we had to do something else that was equally as great as lying around in the sun getting a tan and nothing other than food can achieve that haha.
So on Sunday, as you already know if you are not here for the first time or follow me on Twitter or Instagram, I made the best breakfast ever :) You could call it the ultimate breakfast because that is what it was for me and my flatmate.
Al the way through the week he had been bugging ma about making breakfast on Sunday and on Friday I finally had enough and gave in. 
So him saying: We should make some epic breakfast on Sunday turned into me going grocery shopping on Saturday and getting up at 9 am on Sunday to make breakfast. 
The things I do for my flatmates, I should really win an award for this! 

Don't get me wrong I love to do these kinds of things even though it means I have to get up fairly early on a Sunday. 


250 g     flour
2 tbsp     sugar
1 tsp     baking powder
1/2 tsp     baking soda
1/2 tsp     salt
500 ml     buttermilk
60 ml     sour cream 
2     eggs
3 tbsp     melted butter

Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, baking soda and salt together in one bowl and the buttermilk, sour cream, eggs and melted butter in another. Slowly stir the two mixtures together but don't stir for to long. It is okay if it is not a even mixture. Let the dow expand for about 10 minutes.

Melt a bit of butter in a pan and heat it up on a medium temperature. Depending on how big your pan is make 3 to 4 pancakes leaving them to bake for 2-3 minutes (or until the edges are baked) on one side. Flip them round and leave for another 1-2 minutes. This also depends on how brown you want to have them so just experiment with it a bit. 

Next thing you do is eat :D
Preferably for me with maple syrup and banana but you can have it with whatever suits you best :)
Or you can add blueberries to the finished dough if you like that!

I also made some hot orange-ginger-drink thing. I have no idea what it was called :) 

For two glasses you need:

6 oranges
1/2 tsp of grated ginger

Squeeze the oranges and heat them up in a pot with the ginger. You can then either drink it hot or wait till it is cold. It is tastes good either way and is actually very healthy. 
To change it up a bit you could also add the juice of a lemon and 1 tbsp of honey. If you do that though drinking it hot is way better :)

As you can see we also had hot chocolate but I don't think that I need to explain how that is made to any of you :)
It tastes a lot better though if you heat the milk up and add real chocolate instead of cocoa powder and a bit of cream. Also makes it a lot less healthy but who cares, right? It is breakfast so I don't really care how many calories it has. I can eat healthy the rest of the day :D


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