27 May 2013

Incredible Work deserves to be Supported

Hi to everyone reading this. I hope you had a good start into the week.
Todays blog is about something a little more serious.
I subscribed to a channel on youtube called Jacksgap they have a lot of good videos on there but the new one really got to me.
So I wanted to share it aswell because the content is really important to me and I think the more people know about it the better. And also more people can help out :)

The Rainbow Center is a charity registered in the UK providing education, welfare and loving support to children living in extreme poverty in south western Sri Lanka.
I went to check them out after I had watched the video that Jack and Finn did on their channel. I read through their homepage and I have to say I really admire their work, it seems like something that really helps people out.

I always thought that helping people who aren't as lucky as I am is something that I kinda have to do. It's almost an obligation for me. 

And I know not everyone feels that way but I just think that donating 10€ a month won't kill me or make a lot of difference for me but it will make a difference for other people.
I donate money every month to "Uno-Flüchtlingshilfe" who support people that had to flee their homes for whatever reason. They build tents and just trys to provide the most simple things we need to live. 
I mean I consider myself privileged for being able to go to school and now to university, for having enough to eat and never having to worry about how I'm gonna survive the next day. 
I know I also hated school when I was younger but now I know I should consider myself lucky for being given that opportunity. 
So why not help kids who don't have that opportunity if no one donates money? I think I can spare a lot more then 10€ a month and as long as I think that it helps people I'm gonna keep donating money and hopefully make someone child somewhere in the world smile because they have just been given the chance to go to school. The chance to get an education and a chance to live a better life then their parents possibly did. 

So watch the video and if you can why not donate some money to make some kids smile?


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