8 May 2014

Something to Think about

Hi everyone :)

A while back I read a quote that I just couldn't let go. I kept thinking about it for days on end so I thought I would share it with you all.

Your are too smart to be the only thing
standing in your way.
- Jennifer J. Freeman


Had enough time to think about it? 
It's so true isn't it? And it is a shame really that it is so true.
There are so many great opportunities that we just don't take because we think to much about it. Too many times have we not taken a risk and jumped into happiness because we worry to much.

We literally block our on way to happiness. It's like we are all some sort of masochist that likes destroying their own happiness. Or even the shot at being happy. 
There are so many occasion where we prefer to stay at home because it is safer and than we regret it.
We really are to smart to do that to ourselves.
Or we should be!
We need to stop overthinking things and building walls between us and great opportunities.
It's like there is another one of us walking in front of us who decides what we can and cannot do.
Step around yourself and take a chance.
We only learn and grow through mistakes.

You are too smart to be the only thing
standing in your way.
- Jennifer J. Freeman


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