30 September 2013

That Thing about People and Planes

Hi everyone :)

The lack of post during the last couple of days was due to the fact that I was on my way home :) Time spend on planes again :)

And there are some things about people on planes that I don't get. This one is just the beginning really but is the one that probably make me look weird at people and be jealous at the same time. 

So here it goes:

I don't get that people get on planes looking like they just stepped of the run way. And I'm not talking about 1 hour flight but 12 hours from Hong Kong to Auckland. 
I have nothing against people who get on a plane looking all dolled up and everything when they are just gonna be on it for an hour but 12? That has to be pushing your luck. 
I mean I am realistic enough to wear sweatpants and a big jumper on a plane and also always bring a scarf because lets be honest it gets freezing up there, right? Or am I just such a whimperer? I might be :)
And besides you want to be comfortable if you are going to be cramped into a plane with another 300 ish other people. 
I know for a fact that I would not be able to get comfortable in a tight dress and heels. I mean I don't think about how I look if I sit a certain way on the plane but if you wear a dress you have to think about how your gonna look before you even move. 
Now lets move on to make-up. Why would you want to get of the plane looking like a clown because you mascara is now spread all around your eyes and you might even have an imprint of your eye on your hand? I'm sure the person picking you up will appreciate if you look like a ghost or a retard that has no idea how to wear make-up. Very much so :D

So why do it? 
Everyone on the plane knows that you wont look great after 12 hours on it and so do the people picking them up.
I am sure you get more weird looks for wearing make-up all over your face then for actually looking like you just have been on a plane for 12 hours. Because lets be honest: You have been :D
I will keep looking at people weirdly if the step onto a plane dressed like they are going on a date. You are not people and even if you meet the love of your life on a plane: They will still look like shit, so why not return the favor? At least that way if you meet again you will both be surprised how good the other person actually looks :D

But then there is the occasional person that gets on a plane looking amazing and gets off the plane looking like they just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Those are the women that I wanna jump at and shake and scream: WHYYYYYYY. Because simply put that is not fair. I get of a plane and look like I did not care about my appearance at all and probably smell like I wasn't allowed to shower for a week. Okay I might be over exaggerating but you get the idea. 
So how is it fair that there are women that this does not seem to happen to? How can someone look so flawless stepping out of a plane? Whoever knows the answer to that: It is you obligation to share it with the rest of us poor humans!

On another note: I am home safe. Just in case anyone was interested :D


This post was supposed to go up on Friday don't ask me why that didn't work. I was in a whole of Jetlag ever since I arrived back in Germany on Thursday. And it got worse over the weekend and I got sick as well but I am fine again and have now actually arrive in Germany  timezone wise and all :) So sorry for the delay and all the waiting guys. I am back with regular daily posts now :)

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