23 June 2013

Creative Sundays - Street Art

Hello to all the lovely people out there :) Did you have a good weekend?

Steet art or defacing of walls?
I enjoy art in every way there is and quite frankly I don't think that there is limitations to creativity or art for that matter. So for me painting walls or spraying them with graffiti is not nescessarily art but if it's well done I definitely consider it art. 
Now I know that there is probably a lot of people out there who say that something can only be called art if it is painted on paper or a canvas and I don't say they are wrong but I just think that art is more than that. Especially now that people have more ways to creatively express themselves the term art can be defined in so many ways. And I think especially older people need ot be more open to new things like street art for example. 
And I'm in no way saying that spraying your name on a exterior wall of a house is art, that is just plain pointless in my opinion and I fully support people who say it's criminal damage to private property, particullary if it was a family home. If on the other hand there is someone really talented like the person doing this:

Artist: 34 Crew, Munich (I did not take this picture)
and they just painted a wall then I would consider it art.  And why not decorate a really boring wall in a public place with a painting like this one? I for one kind of like walking around a city and looking at all the street art. Sometimes I even stand in front of a painted wall for several minutes so I can take in all the details. 
There are so many brilliant artists out there and if that is their way of showing their work to world then I say go for it and I do believe that it is a good way to try new stuff and see if people like it. 
When I went looking online for a couple of good ones I could use on here I liturally lost 3 hours of my life. I was so fascinated by all those paintings I found that it was really hard to only choose like 4 of them. 

Artist: Banksy (Street Art Utopia)
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for. ” - Banksy

There is a really famous street artist called Stik, some of you might have even heard of him. His paintings are all over London and he's best known for his 'Stik People' which are pretty much stickman in black and white but the places he puts them and what they do is what makes them special and him a genius.

Artist: Stik, London
In East London they even do 'Street Art Tours' and next time I'm in London I'll definitely do one of those. If you currently are in London and have not done it yet but are interested in street art: Why not do it?
They also feature Pablo Delgado whos diminutiv figures can only be seen if you look down whilst walking through London. 

picture credit: guardian.co.uk
Here is one I found here in Augsburg sadly I have no idea who did it but I just liked what it said because it's so ironic :D

Well that's charming

Another thing that I would like to share is this 2 songs made by an artist from Berlin who dedicated them to Berlin's street art scene. I thought it was a very cool idea to kind off find street art that says something and then put it into a song. It's also really well made and the credit for finding that actually goes to my flatmate :)

They have their own channel so if you like their stuff go and subsrcribe :) It's called: EastCrossProject

I think Stik or Banksy and all these others are amazingly creative people who have found another way of expressing themselves. A new way and a little less vintage maybe?

What I would love to know is: What do you people out there think about street art? Is it art or is it just scratchwork that ruins our streets? And should people like Stik be considered artist?


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