28 August 2013

This Is Us

Hello everyone :)

If you are not a One Direction fan and you are not open minded then I suggest you stop reading right here and tune back in tomorrow, because I went to see their new movie. 
This Is Us
And just like 'Best Song Ever' this was the 'Best Movie Ever' or at least one of the view movies this year that I actually don't regret spending money on. 
When I found out about the early screening of the movie yesterday I reserved my friend and I 2 tickets without knowing if she would even be able to come.
Turns out she did have time to go with me which made all the hours of working today even harder. 
By the end of my shift we were both so excited that we couldn't stop texting each other. This basically went on till we finally met up in front of the cinema.

Then came the point where we had to make a decision: Were we gonna go full support or just silently fangirl during the movie. 
We went for full support and showed our dedication to this movie and our excitement. And I am not ashamed of it one bit :D

Yes we did draw hearts on our cheeks with eye liner and wrote Louis and Harry in them :D That is the thing to do when watching This Is Us :)

When we walked into the toilet like that, a girl shouted: Go Louis. And we all had a little fangirl moment together :)
Yes I am 21 ( almost 22) and I get excited for a One Direction movie and I couldn't care less what other people think.
I am not one of those really dedicated fans but I do enjoy their music very much so not going to see the movie was not even an option.

Me and my lovely friend did feel a bit old though because there literally only was 12 year olds surrounding us and non of them were as dedicated as we were haha.

And then the impossible happened: 2 guys walked into the cinema. I know shocker right? :D At first there was utter silence and then all of the girls in there started whistling and clapping. The two guys were a bit embarrassed but quickly started to enjoy their 30 seconds of fame :) And no they did not come with girlfriends!! 
I have to say this because actually all of my guy friends said that they would never go see this movie and that they believed, men would only go see it if their girlfriends made them go. 
So again: These two guys came all by themselves and were not ashamed to yell through the whole cinema: What? They are really cool!
You go boys, show them :)

If you still have no idea what I am talking about then watch the trailer:

And I know what most of you will say: This is a movie only for fans. 
And I will admit: Yes it is but for completely different reasons.
Fans will watch this for moments where Harry is shirtless or moments where they can get a close-up of their favourite member but there is so much more to this movie. 
There is this whole other side to it, that obviously is interesting for the fans but not only for Directioners, as they like to call themselves. As we like to call ourselves :)

This film is about so much more than fangirling. 
There is this one moment where Niall says: We are normal boys, we do everything other boys our age do at university. It is our job that is abnormal.

'This Is Us' is about the journey of One Direction. It's as much about the fans as it is about the group.
Louis calls it teamwork at one point, because there would be no One Direction without fans. 
It is very interesting to see how much of an impact social media had on their careers as well. It all started of in the UK but within weeks the whole world new about One Direction. This would not be possible without Twitter or Youtube.
They after all are the biggest boy band of the world. Not even the Beatles were this famous or well known. 

You also get a glimpse into their private lives. What it means to be on tour for 10 months. What it means to be on tour and produce and album at the same time. 
There is this whole other side to One Direction or every other singer out there that fans normally wouldn't be able to experience but 'This Is Us' made it possible.

So wether you are a Directioner or not this is a movie that everyone can enjoy. It is very well made with some really cool effects. 
Not only was it fun to watch but it also was a movie that I will definitely go see again. 
And the fact that you watch it with other fans is priceless. We were singing along to the songs and screamed a little when shirtless Harry flickered across the screen. It was an experience on it's own, one that I genuinely wouldn't want to miss. 
And fangirl or not I can tell you you will enjoy it. If not for naked members then for seeing how fame doesn't necessarily change you if you don't let it. 

And I don't regret having a heart on my cheek with Louis name in it even though a lot of people gave me weird looks. I will wear it with pride although I will probably never be able to live in peace again because my flat mates will tease me for weeks. 
I am a Directioner and I'm not ashamed of it. Suck it haters :D



  1. Anonymous28/8/13 00:14

    So why are two guys walking in such a Movie? Guess they know barney stinson ;)
    Playbook Nr x?

    1. Maybe.... Or they just like One Direction. Guess we will never know :D
